Doctor Esperanto And The Language Of Hope by Mara Rockliff – Videobook For Kids Book Trailer
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Meet the boy who made up his own language—and brought hope to millions! Find out more in this enchanting #videobook book trailer for children.
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Doctor Esperanto And The Language Of Hope is the charming Children’s Book by Mara Rockliff.
Get the book and read along with your children!
Life was harsh in the town of Bialystok, and Leyzer Zamenhof thought he knew why. Russian, Polish, German, Yiddish—with every group speaking a different language, how could people understand each other? Without understanding, how could there be peace?
Zamenhof had an idea: a “universal” second language everyone could speak. But a language that would be easy to learn was not so easy to invent, especially when even his own father stood between him and his dream. Yet when at last in 1887 “Doctor Esperanto” sent his words into the world, a boy’s idea became a community that spread across the globe.
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This video was created by Videobooks By Wekom for PJ Library. Check out their YouTube channel for lots more exciting videos:
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