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Words For Voice – WFV
एस्पेरान्तो /ایسپیرانتو / اسپیرانتو / اسپرانتو
“Welcome to ‘Words For Voice,’ your gateway to linguistic exploration! Join us on an exhilarating linguistic journey where we bridge the realms of Hindi and Esperanto in a brief yet insightful tutorial on Esperanto tenses.
In this concise yet impactful video, we unravel the intricacies of Esperanto tenses, delicately weaving together the vibrant tapestry of linguistic nuances from both Hindi and Esperanto. Our tutorial meticulously dissects the temporal dimensions, guiding you through the rich landscape of past, present, and future tenses in Esperanto, all through the familiar lens of Hindi.
Through an engaging narrative and informative visuals, we elucidate the foundational aspects of Esperanto grammar, leveraging Hindi as a conduit to simplify complex concepts. We delve into the mechanisms behind tense formation, elucidating how Esperanto encapsulates temporality with elegance and precision, fostering a seamless transition between these two diverse linguistic worlds.
Embark on this linguistic voyage where ‘varti’ (to watch) Esperanto tenses unfold effortlessly, ‘futuro’ (future) converges with ‘estonte’ (future in Hindi), and ‘pasinta’ (past) resonates with ‘bhootkaal’ (past in Hindi). Explore the intricacies of ‘nuna’ (present) moment as it mirrors ‘vartmanka’ (present in Hindi), creating a bridge between languages that transcends geographical boundaries.
At ‘Words For Voice,’ we are committed to breaking barriers and fostering linguistic connections. Join us in this endeavor as we pave the way for a harmonious coalescence of Esperanto and Hindi, opening doors to a world where words transcend boundaries and cultures unite through the beauty of language.
Subscribe to our channel for more linguistic explorations, where each video is an odyssey of knowledge, culture, and language, celebrating the diversity and unity encapsulated in the essence of words.
Expand your linguistic horizons with us at ‘Words For Voice.’ Sit back, relax, and immerse yourself in this intriguing linguistic excursion as we demystify Esperanto tenses through the lens of Hindi, inviting you to join the chorus of voices celebrating linguistic diversity and unity.”
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Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/wordsforvoice2023
Esperanto Lesson 3 | Pronouns | Esperanto Through Hindi | एस्पेरान्तो पाठ 3 सर्वनाम