The Best Esperanto Speaker You Can Be
Esperanto Variety Show publikigis antaŭ 5 jaroj en la Angla Ĉu en Esperanto?
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Spekti filmon ĉe Tubaro ne ŝtelas la spekton de Jutubo. La spekto enkalkuliĝas en ambaŭ Tubaro kaj Jutubo. Mi komprenas.
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Via ŝato/malŝato, ankaŭ viaj ĝenro-proponoj por ĉi tiu afiŝo estas konservita nur en Tubaro, ili ne estas sendataj ekster niaj serviloj. Simile, la statistikoj pri la afiŝo (spektoj, ŝatoj, komentoj ktp), ankaŭ aliaj atribuoj, ekzemple ĝenroj, venas de Tubaro mem. Ili neniel estas rilataj al tiuj ĉe la originala platformo. Mi komprenas.
Viaj signaloj pri problemoj rilate ĉi tiun afiŝon estos sendataj nur al la administrantoj de Tubaro. Ĉi tiu funkcio neniel estas rilata al ebla simila eco ĉe la originala platformo de la filmo. Por raporti problemon al la administrantoj de la originala platformo, uzu la raportofunkcion ĉe tiu platformo. Mi komprenas.
March 8 2020 – this video is officially out of date and has been unlisted. Please do not share the link. A replacement video will be made in a little bit when there is new.
Update Feb 15 – Video will soon be unlisted because the info will be out of date very soon. See 2 updates below.
Do you want to speak Esperanto with confidence? Do you wish that Esperanto speakers and Esperanto materials were easier to come by? Is Esperanto working as promised for you? Does Esperanto bring you in contact with the unique experiences and interesting people that you expected it to? Esperanto Variety Show wants you to be The Best Esperanto Speaker You Can Be.
***Update:*** This video will be made unlisted in a few weeks when the information becomes outdated. One update is that I have adjusted the italki package price for 45 minute lessons. As I said in the video, the price for 5 lessons remains a especially good deal for current students. New students are encouraged to contact me directly as mentioned in the video to find out what the special offers are.
***Update 2*** I have adjusted the pricing on italki for packages of 5 lessons (one-hour lessons). They’re still a good deal, but more in line with the actual cost of providing the lessons. I can do a better discount if you contact me directly, as mentioned in the video.
There are many ways to learn Esperanto – but ultimately you will not learn Esperanto from a book or an app. You need to get in and do it. There are several ways to do that which you may be overlooking or not taking full advantage of.
“FEC” (the Free Esperanto Course) and Lernu kun Logano – go together to give you a solid basis in the language, to let you hear how the language sounds, and to connect you with a real human tutor by email … for free.
It’s important to get out to Espearnto events, and there are many to choose from. In the video I mention several in North America – but no matter where you live, there is sure to be something within a reasonable distance.
Video call technology (Skype and others) has made it very easy and affordable to be face to face with a competent teacher of the language you want to learn. I have some special offers right now on lesson packages. Current students on italki will notice that the packages there are an especially good buy. I am also looking for a select number of students who want to book a package directly with me for a discount. If you are ready to Be The Best Esperanto Speaker You Can Be, send me a message here or on Facebook.
When the special offer has ended, I will update this description and unpublish this video.
Esperanto Variety Show is viewer supported, and many viewers – just like you – have decided to support the channel through Patreon. When you become a patron, you send a clear message – We want to see more Esperanto Variety Show. Thank you.
Ŝano, Jeremiah Stoddard, Mark k Walt, Liĉjo, Brajeno, Samuelo — Heather, John Wathen, Rafa, D Gary Grady, Wandajune Bishop-Towle, Julinjo Schwartz — Vernero, Jasono, Annette Brasor, Benson Smith, Mike Brady, Chuck Mays, Derek, Karlo Olsen, Zedo, Gary Bisaga, Ernest Huntley — Jiří Lebl, Roberto Kingsley, Shayne, Hanso, Tom Hancock, Brion, Emma, Tim Morley, Ricardo Dahis, Deb K, Jacques, Gene