Michael Jackson and Esperanto | History
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Spekti filmon ĉe Tubaro ne ŝtelas la spekton de Jutubo. La spekto enkalkuliĝas en ambaŭ Tubaro kaj Jutubo. Mi komprenas.
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Michael Jackson in the video filmed in Budapest with his ex-wife Lisa Marie Presley .
All the lyrics, incuding the dates at te beginning. LYRICS: He got kicked in the back He say that he needed that He hot willed in the face Keep daring to motivate He say one day you will.
Please rate and comment, i would like to know what you think. This video was made by Andrew Nutting. My brother. :-)Please dont post any bad things about it and Hope You Like It. Artist: Michael.
Michael Jackson’s “History” is a song from the King Of Pop. It was released as the 13th track in his 1995 studio album – HIStory. I hope you enjoy my video!! Thank you for watching!! Please.
Viel Spaß beim anschauen. Enjoy the concert. We love you Michael.