Let’s learn Esperanto on Duolingo
Language Learning for Beginners publikigis antaŭ 2 jaroj en Esperanto Ĉu ne?
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Vi povas daŭre spekti la filmeton ĉe la originala platformo:
Originala paĝo
Spekti filmon ĉe Tubaro ne ŝtelas la spekton de Jutubo. La spekto enkalkuliĝas en ambaŭ Tubaro kaj Jutubo. Mi komprenas.
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Via ŝato/malŝato, ankaŭ viaj ĝenro-proponoj por ĉi tiu afiŝo estas konservita nur en Tubaro, ili ne estas sendataj ekster niaj serviloj. Simile, la statistikoj pri la afiŝo (spektoj, ŝatoj, komentoj ktp), ankaŭ aliaj atribuoj, ekzemple ĝenroj, venas de Tubaro mem. Ili neniel estas rilataj al tiuj ĉe la originala platformo. Mi komprenas.
Viaj signaloj pri problemoj rilate ĉi tiun afiŝon estos sendataj nur al la administrantoj de Tubaro. Ĉi tiu funkcio neniel estas rilata al ebla simila eco ĉe la originala platformo de la filmo. Por raporti problemon al la administrantoj de la originala platformo, uzu la raportofunkcion ĉe tiu platformo. Mi komprenas.
I hope you enjoy the journey. I am sharing my real lessons unedited as a dabble in lessons and shuffle between languages.
Sometimes, I mix up languages. Sometimes, I go completely blank on vocabulary I already learnt.
So, I challenge my brain everyday and try not to be hard on myself. I need to remember to celebrate how much my brain does learn to read, the recognise & store in my active memory for writing as a beginner.
I need to keep in mind I am a self learner. This is a hobby I fit it in my free time after work and family. I celebrate this as ME TIME. I am usually able to laugh at myself along the way.
I hope this help you start your language learning journey your way to suit your time, money and access to fun learning resources.
Want to follow my learning log?
Blogger; https://italienfrancese14.blogspot.com
Want to study quietly along with me?
Youtube: Erica Jane B ASMR study with me (no music)
Want to join over 500 learners?
Join our Facebook Group: Language Club for Beginners
Want Duolingo with unlimited hearts?
Duolingo Classroom “Language Club for Beginners: (FREE student access see link: duolingo.com/classroom/vycsch (settings in Duolingo app, then type last few letters of code)
Family Channels
@Language Learning for Beginners
@Jimmy Bav
@Scott’s Vac Shack
Do you want to study quietly with me?
I study many languages with Duolingo & textbooks & I chat in Italian to my poodle.
Do you like to work with your hands?
My husband does carpentry & electronics with our poodle Billy.
Do you want to show him helping others is cool?
My 8 year old does vacuum mess tests. He rescues old vacuums from hard rubbish, fixes them & gives them away to someone in need.
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Thanks for watching this video.
Please comment “Which country do you live in?” My background
I am a trained languages teacher in Italian and French. I am trying to maintain and increase my reading and writing fluency in Italian and French. I am now also doing some self study in other languages as a hobby.
My goals
I try to fit in around work and family when I can. I use Duolingo on the go when I am standing in lone or waiting in a waiting room. I also use textbooks to give me another perspective on the lessons I am doing in Duolingo when I have a chance for some study time at home.
Other commitments (more info in links below)
*I host a Duolingo multilingual classroom because I want to encourage to explore learning a foreign language. Students use the code to access unlimited hearts and compete on classroom leaderboard. We are a casual group, so I set the weekly homework about 75XP so most learners can fit it in around work and family.
*I run a FB group for beginners in any language.
*i am writing a blog to share my languages learning log, I will be happy even if I inspire only a couple of people to try learning at their pace.
Studying Resources:
I love using my recycled paper notebook. I use erasable pens to help me write as clearly as I can in a language new to me.. At least it is erasable, when I make a mistake along the way. I also collect international postcards through http://www.postcorssing.com I like to put out a postcard from the country as I study to set the tone almost like ‘travelling’ to the country as I swap between languages I am dabbling in. I have a sweet tooth, but I try to eat healthy most of the time. Usually, I grab a piece of fruit and a glass of water to nourish me and help me study a little longer.
Our dog
Our standard poodle sometimes joins me during a “study with me video”. He is great company and big and soft like a teddy bear.
NB: Apologies for Billy our dog who takes his responsibilities very seriously as our guard and protector, when a post man or courier are at the door with a parcel.
Want to follow my learning log?
Blogger; https://italienfrancese14.blogspot.com
Want to study quietly along with me?
Youtube: Erica Jane B ASMR study with me (no music)
Want to join over 500 learners?
Join our Facebook Group: Language Club for Beginners
Want Duolingo with unlimited hearts?
Duolingo Classroom “Language Club for Beginners: (FREE student access see link: duolingo.com/classroom/vycsch (settings in Duolingo app, then type last few letters of code)