Song of the Dove: A New Age Neo-Classical Song of Peace in Esperanto
Sharon Fendrich publikigis antaŭ 5 jaroj en Esperanto Ĉu ne?
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Relaxing, contemplative and passionate New Age, neo-classical music. The lyrics (see below) for this song of peace are sung entirely in the Esperanto language (the word itself means “one who hopes”). The international language was created to facilitate communication between speakers around the world.
The song highlights the flight of the dove of peace and the hefty weight of responsibility the bird carries. And, that despite torments and tempests, it flies on and eventually finds the elusive peace.
“one of the best albums in the new age/neo-classical genre of 2019”. – CKUW Canada
“utterly sublime, completely charming and passionate release” – One World Music Radio
“sumptuous, harmonically rich glimpses into a world of musical nostalgia” – RJ Lannan, Artisan Music Reviews
This is the fifth track from the August 2019 debut album by Sharon Fendrich, “Red Sky Prairie”. The album contains 11 tracks, totaling 60 minutes in length. Featured solo instruments include piano, violin, cello, voice, and flute set in a soundscape of orchestra and sound design. Vocals sung by: Anna Emelyanova.
Lyrics in Esperanto
Lia pasad’ nek facilis nek sekuris.
La ĉielo roris kaj batis lin.
Tamen, li daŭre flugis tra la ŝtormo ĝis la tagiĝo.
Alte, alte, eĉ pli alte.
Preter la steloj flugis.
Kie vi trovos la pacon.
Ne iru time. Iru espere.
Trovu la vojon kaj alportu ĝin hejmen.
La pac’ kiun ni tiom volas
estas vere tre proksima.
Ni devas havi la kuraĝon por flugi daŭre.
Flugu daŭre kaj daŭre ĝis vi trovos la pacon kiu estas
tie sub ĉio kion vidas vi.
Translated into English:
His was not a safe nor easy passage.
The sky roared and pounded down on him.
Yet, he flew on through the storm til the dawn.
Higher, higher, higher still.
Far beyond the stars.
There you will find peace.
Go not in fear. Go in hope.
Find the way and bring it home.
That peace we all want so to have
is closer than we know.
We only must have courage to fly on.
Fly on, and on, til you find the peace that’s there
underneath all that you see.